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Gardens of the Jazz Age: Introduction

Information on 1920s-1940s popular garden designs, gardens, and the people responsible for them, with a focus on the Philadelphia area.


"Long before the modern women's movement, some formidable Philadelphia females were breaking new ground. Early in the twentieth century, these progressive women recognized that aside from the traditional teaching, nursing and charity work, horticulture could provide a vehicle for improving women's vocational prospects. They mobilized to educate gardeners, pioneered the garden club movement, and launched several vital organizations that transformed lives and landscapes. Though their names are unfamiliar to many, we should all doff our garden hats in appreciation to them. Their far-reaching legacy empowered women, widened career opportunities, and stimulated the kind of community activism that PHS's Philadelphia Green program exemplifies today."

from Ilene Sternberg. “Heroines of Horticulture.” The Green Scene. November/December 2007. 35(6): 21-24.

Gardens of the Jazz Age on PHS's Flickr

Images from PHS's McLean Library Special Collections.